Consultation or Allergy Test - Le Brows Studio

Consultation or Allergy Test


Is this your first time considering permanent makeup, but you don’t feel ready to jump straight into the procedure? Schedule a Consultation with me!

During the consultation, we’ll discuss your desired look for your new eyebrows and create a preview using a derma pencil. We’ll also cover the best color match for you and any other details you want to know!

Consultations are NOT required unless you have previous PMU on your eyebrows. If you have had a prior procedure on your eyebrows, please book a consultation. We need to personally assess the remaining pigment and shape to determine the most suitable technique.

Duration: 30m
Price: $30


Allergy tests are recommended only if you’ve previously had allergic reactions to pigment or other chemical used on your face. We will draw a stroke behind your ear to observe any potential reactions.

Price: $30